We had been doing our own version of ‘sleep training’ with our son Theo from the age of two and a half months to 9 months. This involved swaddling him for naps and feeding him for about 40 minutes to sleep and then carefully walking over to his crib to lay him down. desperately trying to not wake him as we would then start the whole routine again! Theo would sometimes sleep through the night…but as the months went by, he would wake more and more frequently, causing so much stress within our household!
This is when we accepted we needed help and contacted Jillian. We read the testimonials on her website and felt maybe there was hope. I still found it hard to believe that Theo would take solid naps in his crib during the day and go to bed early and sleep until 7am. Jillian was warm, understanding and reassuring on the phone. I felt like we were finally going to get the guidance we needed, after not knowing what we were doing!
We followed through with all the suggestions given by Jillian and the sleep training worked. We were amazed. Theo now goes to bed, awake, at 7 pm and does not wake up until the morning when we are ready to start the day. He takes both of his naps in his crib and we are all so much happier and well rested because of it. our lives changed once we had the structure we now have. Reaching out to Jillian was one of the best things we have done since becoming parents!!