Prior to Jillian’s help, Diego refused to sleep in his crib. We spent our nights co-sleeping or waking up several times a night to soothe an angry, tired baby back to sleep. He would usually only fall back to sleep if he was being nursed! After 2 failed attempts of sleep training on our own, we needed help. Jillian offered the guidance and support we needed to get through the daunting task of sleep training and we succeeded this time around! Diego now sleeps in his crib 11-12 hours at night without mom and dad’s intervention. Jillian also helped us get his naps on track. My husband and I found her advice and coaching invaluable which helped us as a couple get through what is usually a very stressful and emotional undertaking. We would recommend Jillian in a heartbeat to any parent, we just wish we would have reached out sooner!