Being too close to the situation, not to mention tired, it was difficult for us to evaluate if what we were doing was helping or hindering our baby’s sleep. We were sort of’ following advice from books, but were confused, feeling that some of what we had read contradicted itself, or that perhaps we were misinterpreting it. We had also decided that we wanted to let our baby ‘cry it out’ and we needed an outside voice to support us. The steps Jillian had us go through showed us where we were being inconsistent. She literally put me and my husband on the same page. With her advice, schedule and support, it didn’t take long for our baby to (finally) take longer naps. She is now sleeping through the night consistently. It was so nice to have Jillian’s perspective on what is best for our baby’s schedule and sleep. She is so wonderful and easy to talk to. Thank you Jillian!