I hesitated to contact a sleep consultant because our little guy was a good night sleeper and morning napper. I thought, ¨Maybe we don’t have a problem?” His afternoon naps were terrible though! I could not get him to sleep more than 35 minutes at a time and he always woke up unhappy. As a stay-at-home-mom this was very difficult for me because I never got a break and Adrián was obviously over tired. Both of our temperaments were suffering! Jillian’s knowledge and support helped immediately. The unlimited email support early on was especially important for me as I needed constant reassurance. Jillian was always warm, confident, clear in her communication and had a good sense of humor (so important!). Our little guy is now taking hour-long+ naps in the morning and the afternoon and is sleeping 11-12 hours at night. Our days are super happy and our nights are quiet!